Tuesday, 15 November 2016

swot analysis (word doc)

‘SWOT’ Analysis
Target audience (teenagers and young adults)
The message
Already know the different sets of actors that are acting inside the short film/campaign.
Time scale (example: 2 mins/3mins)
Already know what location we will be filming at.
We already know what different props/equipment we will be using in our filming time. For example tripod, camera.
Time limit being set
The weather may be corrupt for example rain/snow.
Some of the actors may not attend for their filming time which can cause more time of filming.
The message of the short campaign film may not have been address or been clearly said to the viewer.
The message might be a bit too vague. Instead we could think outside the box.
Less resources used to make the filming harder for example the use of one camera rather than a few.
The viewer may lose interest in filming
Good camera shots to make the piece of filming more intriguing to watch.
Special effect for good editing skills.
Transition from different types of sound for example loud music to low music within the right scene.
Good use of catering all around the college for example food etc.
Show good perspective – in case we miss a key factor in our short film.
Target audience can be filmed and involve inside the short film, for example interviews etc.
People walking past us around the college.
More research needed about our target audience we can do this by using questionnaires, surveys or even focus groups.
The weather may not be appropriate for us to be filming.
Equipment may not fully work at all times for example the camera losing battery life.
Time management may be an issue for example the lesson may finish before we finish filming an important scene.
A lot of retakes to be made during filming.
The viewer may lose interest in filming

1 comment:

media said...

Good :) missing a coupes of things (see comments on posts)
Audience profiling???
